Dear Friends and Family,
Here is my journal entry for Saturday.
Saturday, 14 June
I keep using the word, "privileged." We are so privileged to be able to work with Hope Children's Home, and I am humbled. I keep coming back to how we are so blessed to know these children, these Mamas and teachers. I want to love them and pour into them. They love us back in such amazing and humbling ways. Today, I sat with Esther, Victoria and Fatima. Victoria and Esther read to me from the Bible that we gave them last fall. Victoria read about Adam and Eve and Esther read the story about the Dry Bones coming back to life. (an interesting and thought-provoking choice.)
Even before the day began, I had a wonderful time with Victoria. She came to the hotel with us last night, spending the night in our room. ("A chance of a lifetime." according to Pastor Pross, the person who runs the home.) I was up around 7am and was reading my Bible online. Victoria got up around 7:30. I wondered, what am I going to do with her until 9:30, when the team meeting starts. Conversation making can be challenging. I prayed about it and just let it happen. First Victoria offered to read the Bible for me. She read Psalm 31, which talks about God’s presence in difficult times. Then we read some of the Bible in Lugandan, thanks to the Uganda Bible website. It is such a pretty, happy language.
I asked Victoria if she wanted to watch some TV, which is a great treat. So we sat on the bed together and watched TV and talked. She told me about her abusive aunt and the nice lady who stepped in to defend her. She told me that her aunt used to take her into the woods and tie up her hands and beat her. When she was 8, Victoria became a Christian through a crusade at the church. She also said that through Susan Stubb’s sermon, she learned to forgive her aunt. Again, what a privilege to be a part of these children’s lives.
Later, at the home, as I finished up mending Margaret’s sadly torn dress (2 side seams, both shoulder seams and one sleeve almost gone…), I settled in for a chat with Victoria on the back steps. She asked if she could “twist” my hair. I said sure! Little did I know what I was in for! Gorret, one of the wonderful house mama’s who I have had a chance to get to know a little bit, came up and wanted to know what Victoria was doing…it was all over them. Gorret took over, along with another mama, Miriam. They lovingly braided my hair for over 3 hours! As they braided, Esther (the girl we sponsor) stood and helped by holding my hair back out of my face and smoothing my bangs so gently. They did half of it before lunch, then took a break for lunch. Everyone, especially the Mamas and other staff got a huge kick out of it!
After lunch, most of the team and lots of the kids went to the field to play soccer, so the house was strangely quiet. As the women braided, an accapella group came and practiced in the next room. They sang in Lugandan as well as English. I just sat there silently praising God with the choir and was loved on by these gentle women. Without being asked and without expecting to be paid, they gave up their day to serve me. We came to bless and serve; we are the ones getting the blessing and being served!
Much love to all,
Wow! What a joy to share this with you! How many of the kids are you bringing home?
Love your new hairdo. Every braid is filled with love. How will you ever take it out?
Did you find a use for the soccer balls and pumps?
WOW! How fun that must have been!
Victoria sounds like a very fun and inteligent girl!
Tell her Hi for me from Victoria! I love her name!
:) Victoria <3
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