Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Africa Again!

First let me thank you for reading our blog. We are overwhelmed and humbled to have you join with us in our adventures. Well, here is the latest. Jess left on the June 2nd for Uganda, Africa. Cathi and Micah will join him after a 5 day layover in London, and leave tomorrow June 4th. Then I will join them, leaving on the June 13th.

We are going back to the same orphanage we worked at last fall. We are madly viewing photos of all the kids at the home to remember their names. What a task! 104 in total! Our job this time is to love on all the kids. We also plan to meet up with a few of those we blogged about... Richard, Kenny and Douglas. We can't wait to see them!

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers for my mom, she is doing VERY well! In fact the physician stated that the cancer is in remission!

I look forward to keeping you updated. Peace. Jerry


Nikki Stauber said...

Hi guys,
I've put a link to your blog on the_element website (the new church youth group webgroup that is about to be launched). I look forward to getting blog updates, so we who are back home can be in the know and know how to be praying. :) Have a great trip! May you and those you encounter experience God in a rich way. Safe travels today Cathi and Micah!

Anonymous said...

Dear and wonderful Vons! Just glimpsing you whiz in and out of our lives is a lesson in how to have an open ready heart. God bless you each one in these travels, this new adventure. Jerry--drag your pastor out for a bite to eat in the next couple of days, would you? And make him pay for it. Thank you for the joy and vision you share with us. The light and hope and energy. We love you. we rejoice with you. Hugs and hugs and hugs, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Jerry, Cathi, Jess and Micah

You are definitely at the top of our prayer list. We will share our experiences at Starbucks, Cathi, upon your return and mine.

Many blessing and safety for you all and the youth from Santiam.

Carol M.

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone!
You are all in our prayers! Have a great time!
The kids are goingto love seeing you!

Anonymous said...

o my goodness!! I am so excited for you! I wish I could be there with you! Love on those babies for me.
Katy Joy