We arrived yesterday, luggage and all! Thanks so much for your prayers! We are astounded by the beauty of Cape Town. Gabriel, our host, took us on a walking tour of Muizenberg this morning, including splashing in the ocean. We are staying at the YWAM base, just a couple of blocks from the ocean. The YWAM folks are so friendly, and love God very much. We've met students from Germany, Camaroon, Nigeria, Zambia, Holland, Finland and the US (Washington, Hawaii, Michigan).
Today has been a day of rest. We will start our work here tomorrow. In the morning we will be helping out in the office, then we head out to one of the townships in the afternoon.
We did hear that there is a Starbucks in Cape Town. (I'll keep you posted, Book Babes.)
Love, Cathi
Hi Von Family. We just returned from New York City with Allie and see the beautiful photo of Cape Town. Glad you are out of Mozembique! Lucy sends her love and prayers along with mine.
Hi Vons!
What fun you are having! I really missed my starbucks while in Uganda. Can you contact me at robin316@peak.org ? You may be interested in visiting Val Shean's orphans in kampala - many need sponsors. Also, the heavy rains and subsequent landslides in the area around Mbale have destroyed many people's houses and lives. People are very hungry...perhaps you'd have time to check that out. Life Seeds is trying to round up some relief money for that area. Let me know if you are interested and I'll give you the contact info.
God bless and favor you on this trip. May your Christ light shine and bring many to Him! Lots of love, Robin
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