Hello Friends!
We have received several emails asking us what life is really like in Kampala, Uganda. I thought it would be interesting to take you on a small journey. Here is "A Day in the Life of the Vons" in Kampala.
5:30 A.M. We are awaken by the sound of thunder and heavy rainfall. Our bedroom window is leaking water on the floor. I open the curtains and mop up the floor. Cathi rises early to shower. She tells me, "I hope there is hot water", no such luck this morning, so she takes a cold one. I skip my shower this morning. We get on line to check email, and Cathi "skypes" with her sister. I go to the kitchen, open our 5 liter water bottle, and pour enough water into out electric kettle to boil water for coffee. Coffee is made in our "JetBoil", which we brought from home, and it has a French press adapter which has been very handy. Oh, did I tell you that there is only one electrical outlet in the kitchen, and one adapter for the whole apartment. This adapter is not a tight fit into the outlet, what that means is when we use the kettle, toaster, or microwave (yes, we have a microwave!) one needs to physically hold the plug into the adapter! So patience while toasting bread is now an acquired skill!
7:30 A.M. The boys rise for breakfast, chores, and school. The computer programs for homeschooling are far from perfect. Cathi is trying to master the math program, while I take a taxi to a part of town named Katwe. Here in Katwe, I am having a pedal-operated washing machine fabricated. I meet with the fabricator, exchange ideas and money, and I am taxied back to our apartment. (I am so thankful for our driver, Richard, who is so faithful, and reliable). Upon my return, I find Cathi still wrestling with the math program! She is so frustrated, that all I can do is give her a hug! Micah needs to take a math quiz, but the program won't allow it! Cathi attempts to "live chat" with the software company, but they work 8-5 Central Time! Ok it is 2:20 A.M. Central Time! This obviously won't work! They decide to print out the quiz, do it on paper, and move on to other subjects (Cathi will have to input the answers at another time.) I, in the mean time have run down with our bed sheets and towels and arranged with the manager to have a maid come and clean our apartment (this is included in our rent.) The rest of our laundry we do daily by hand, and hang dry on the line. I brought with us a laundry line and it has been very useful! Yesterday's laundry is sopping wet from this morning's rain! We pray for a little sunshine!
We have now had to fix lunch, and get ready for the "team bus ride" to Hope Children's Home. (Show Mercy has sent a team out to help with the home.) We leave our apartment for a short 10 minute walk to the Hotel Equatoria. It is a 45 minute bus ride to the home, and when we arrive we are greet by the children. It is always a beautiful thing! Cathi and the boys race off with the children. I have a few of the older boys with me as we inspect the work we have been doing. Jess soon joins us and we are up on ladders working to complete our project. In the mean time, Cathi and Micah are busy with the children, playing, loving, medical care, and being their friends. As much fun as this is... it is also emotionally draining. The afternoon ends with getting the bus "unstuck" from the mud, ferrying two team members to a local hotel, and the bus trip to the Hotel Equatoria.
On our walk back to the apartment(15 minutes coming back... it's uphill!), we arrive back at the apartment, too tired to cook tonight, so I have the brilliant idea to order Chinese take out! So Cathi gets the honor of making the call to the restaurant! Communication, especially via cell phone, can be extremely challenging! She and Jess walk down, pay, pick up the food and bring it back to the apartment.
The boys clean up after dinner and hope for a relaxing evening, but their laundry still needs to be done. Hot water is at a premium so I get into the shower. All follow my lead. As I completed my shower, now about 9:20, our friend Kenny knocks at our door. He is most welcome at our home and stays and visits until 11:30. A quick brush and floss, and we all fall into bed looking forward to tomorrow. Good Night!